
Friday, December 20, 2019

A "blackened moral record" is cause for what exactly?

But then, they know their Pence.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump blasted a prominent Christian magazine on Friday, a day after it published an editorial arguing that he should be removed from office because of his "blackened moral record."

Trump tweeted that Christianity Today, an evangelical magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, "would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President."

The magazine "has been doing poorly and hasn't been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years," Trump wrote. Some of his strongest evangelical supporters, including Graham's son, rallied to his side and against the publication. Their pushback underscored Trump's hold on the evangelical voting bloc that helped propel him into office and suggested the editorial would likely do little to shake that group's loyalty.

Rev. Franklin Graham, who now leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and prayed at Trump's inauguration, tweeted Friday that his father would be "disappointed" in the magazine.

Trump, after all, has had suppers with women not his wife. And more. Their guy Pence avoids any chance of a blackened moral record, that way.

So it's strange love that Franklin has for Donald, but, Billy was quite a blowhard himself. A tent for a forum rather than the White House or a Tower in NYC, but blowing.

Pence? A dead fish. So young Franklin shows a form of Trumpilian swamp kinship.