
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Two essays that offer little encouragement for populist progressives wanting a better Democratic Party than the Party elders seem inclined to yield.

Suggested reading order, here and then here.

UPDATE: One related item. Neither of the three items says the donor base and the populace held then different ideas of what the Obama presidency was to be; the donors winning. Our Revolution and Bernie's ability to raise cash via small contributions from a large support base must really piss off the deep wallets used to calling the shots for the two parties, less clearly for the Democrats, yet the promoting of a Joe Biden, faults such as Hunter Biden included, and the media freeze in covering the popular support Bernie commands both show that the donor group took over and killed the grassroots opportunity CHANGE and HOPE had fed.

It was using grassroot hope, then compromising HOPE for no good reason. It was short-sighted. It was conscious choice to try to fold grassroots into the inner party control mechanism as a taken for granted part of the electorate willing to play lesser evil. It allowed DNC to offer evil, while contending, "lesser,lesser, lesser." This cycle offers a chance to forestall an evil, any and all evil, in exchange for a felt Bern. You can feel that Bern free of evil of any kind and focused on what is best for the nation and its people. Irrespective of serving billionaires first, others wait outside, there is an alternative, Bernie apart from the inner party, or even Warren begrudgingly accepted by the deep wallets - as a sane alterntive to four more years of Trump and his party retaining the spoils of winning an election.

Killing off the Obama grassroots support after the election was won surely did not anger any billionaire, but now we have Trump. And the billionaires.

And Bernie.

Warren is the next best choice, but is next best good enough when you've got the real thing? One hundred percent, no compromise lurking in the background on Bernie's part just resonates better than Warren, or at least that is the perception feeling here. However, Warren, if the convention's nominee, is foreseen to be elected and serve as a fine progressive head of state - a likelihood in terms of head-to-head pairings (in present early polling, Warren polls significantly higher than Trump).