
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

This might surprise some readers: There are organizations aiming to shape opinion in ways contrary to what's best for regular citizens; and, get this, they are doing it for MONEY. Can you believe ...

Really. And they gravitate to politics and politicians, lobbyists, and dirtbags in general. Flocking together. And - this may be a hard reality - these kinds seem to congregate to Washington, DC. For some obscure reason we could waste time guessing about.

click to read

While doubting minds might seize upon a detail or two to explain away this explanation of healthcare policy deadlock or this further explanation, accepting minds might think, "If only Bernie ... ". The truth is that even Bernie as President would be a force such people might need to reckon with, Bernie as President will not by magic make such hangers-on go away, nor would it even quell their selling of services. Indeed it might boost such effort, for wrong reasons, but for strong ones. So, let's give Bernie as President a good eight year try, and see how much it helps.

If every story has to have a "moral" or a theme to it, citizens should know and despise - and remember - their enemies is a theme that fits. Remember this benignly titled operation which is the subject of this post, with its aims dead set and contrary to our best well being.

If Bernie is elected in hope of attaining single payer [a/k/a decent] national health policy, who knows, there could be a collateral benefit.

2016: Bernie would have won.