
Monday, November 25, 2019

Either of the billionaires ... in my opinion.

In terms of the two billionaires running presently for President on the Dem Party side, Srteyer and Bloomberg, the feeling here is that either would be a superior choice to party hack Joe Biden. Neither billionaire would have a financial incentive to get into potential family-centric bribery situations, and that is a plus. Neither billionaire is responsible for the bankruptcy bill Warren has criticized Biden for cramming down the nation's throat. Bloomberg as mayor was not a hack. Biden as VP had son Hunter Biden in Ukraine when he was there as the Obama administration's foreign policy rep. Steyer has had no experience to speak of in government management, making him the functional equivalent of Mayor Pete, without the secret McKinsey backgrouned. Biden is experienced, and not in a necessarily good way. Biden knows Senate norms and values. The belief here is that is a negative relative to the billionaires; even with having to admit Bernie and Liz know the Senate too. Just differently from how Biden knows things. Biden has built a fortune as a career politician. That is not said in praise. As fact, but not as praise.

So, billionaires considered a better choice than a "seasoned" Senator or a small town mayor; and ignoring other Senators still contesting from single digit popularity positions, i.e., Harris, Booker and Klobuchar.

Indeed, Booker and Klobuchar are viewed here as more desirable bets, in comparison to Joe Biden. Biden is the one as experienced as Ms. Clinton was last cycle. As appealing too. Experience in the swamp is not necessarily a positive attribute, except for swamp denizens themselves; a lot we may not want to advance with appealing alternatives, Bernie and Liz. Or even the billionaires.

While Bloomberg has critics such as when The Intercept publishes, Biden nonetheless is positioned to represent the same part of Democratic politics into which Bloomberg fits. The simple truth, however, is that Bloomberg for all criticism he may deserve, has no Hunter Biden type of cross to bear. He is free from that aspect of shabbiness, appearing, by comparison, more virtuous than the family he is challenging in the race of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. Bloomberg is more likeable? Yes, at least as opinioin here exists, today, on the eve of Bloomberg's candidacy.