
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Conscienceless thugs, nationwide, want to suppress voting by the young. Frustrate them. Get Out The Vote - the old GOTV, but aim at the young who are freer of built in prejudice and are not married to business as usual.

See, e.g., Strib, carrying a NY Times feed. Do not expect Joe Biden supporters to be enthusiastic about millions of the young voting. Biden supporters embrace a status quo that aims to hammer the young, to keep the military and the healthcare industries in control of things, to mess up our planet and climate, and to advance perpetual war against terror, (despite it being an abject failure and a sucking of resources better spent on making things decent and promising at home). The wealth is there if we tax it, wealth sufficient to improve the lives of all our people. Just tax the greedy bastards, and we as a nation will prosper.

BOTTOM LINE: Pound those thugs, of either party, wanting to suppress voting among any of us.

2016 TRUTH - Bernie would have won. We'd already be a better nation, had the DNC and others not stymied the Bern. Hillary Clinton, for Christsakes, what were those people thinking? Have they a learning curve, or are they currently Biden touts? Sad.