
Tuesday, October 08, 2019

How to waste millions of dollars? Learn from a politician with no actual sense of reality.

Strib. Item title: Democrat Amy Klobuchar raises $4.8M for presidential bid - By SARA BURNETT Associated Press - October 7, 2019 — 4:26pm; saying in relevant part:


"We feel good about our number," Klobuchar said. "I'm staying in this race till the end."

She began airing her first TV ads in Iowa and New Hampshire last week. The ads feature Klobuchar's closing remarks from last month's Democratic presidential debate, in which the moderate Democrat described herself as someone who tells the truth and doesn't make promises she can't keep.

"I don't want to be president for half of America. I want to be president for all of America," she says.


More need not be said. But say it anyway. She should run her campaign ad: "I have no son-Hunter in my closet, and am the same middling potato as Joe, progressivism being anathema to me too, and unjustified blind ambition makes me refuse to see that the end for this campaign is now." It might not gain votes. But it would be telling the truth.