
Saturday, October 05, 2019

Having never thought I would write anything good about Dick Cheney, here I do it, but in a good way - about health, not policy.

Berine had stent surgery. So did Dick Cheney, multiple times, with a history of heavy smoking and heart trouble.

Cheney is about the Bernie/Biden age, and still sucking air. A link about how heart healthcare has progressed from the days of the Eisenhower heart attack.

Those who would write Bernie out of the script now should consider Cheney. Still going. And Bernie has tenacity. With regard to policy hopes and actions, and in general, with a cogency that adds to the Trump appearance of buffoonery and unjustified hubris, with Bernie as a contrast. Consistent over the years. No rattling skeletons. Surely no bimbo payments.

Bernie will not quit, so supporters shoiuld be cautious about quitting on Bernie.

Cheney survived by meanness. Bernie will survive two Presidential terms out of passion and total decency toward the plight of others. Two different people, one however an example in thinking of the other - if Cheney survived, and prospered, Bernie will too.

Seattle PI reports on a new short Bernie video "on Twitter" but without posting a link.

BOTTOM LINE: Stent surgery will not quell Bernie's passion to be a reformer of a broken-down system. He will continue, and supporters should not be looking too soon at Warren as "the alternative" since she has similar policy beliefs. To do that would be to wrongly write off Bernie. Keep the faith.