
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What hypocritical whoring looks like when done without any tie to conscience.

Strib carrying an AP feed:

At UN, Trump focuses on religious freedom, not climate
By JONATHAN LEMIRE and DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press - September 23, 2019 — 11:15pm

[...] rump's speech Monday extends a long-running focus on international religious freedom that speaks to a key priority of his evangelical base. His administration has hosted annual meetings on the topic in Washington, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced during this year's event that he would create an international alliance dedicated to the issue.

Underscoring the importance of Trump's action on the issue to evangelical voters who are critical to his 2020 reelection bid, one prominent evangelical backer Dallas-based pastor Robert Jeffress lauded Trump for focusing on religious freedom instead of climate change.

"What president in history would have the guts to do what President Trump is doing?" Jeffress, who was set to be in the audience for Trump's speech, said on Fox News. "And it's this kind of leadership that is absolutely infuriating the president's enemies, but it's also energizing his base, especially his religious base of voters."

Trump listed his administration's efforts on religious freedom and declared, "We've done a lot."

As for the climate summit, he told reporters as he left: "I'm a big believer in clean air and clean water and all countries should get together and do that, and they should do it for themselves. Very, very important."

Late Monday, he mocked Swedish 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg, who had scolded the audience at the climate summit, repeatedly asking, "How dare you?"

Trump tweeted: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"

This is the man who cozies up to Israel, the Saudis, and did a joint appearance with Modi. Yammering about religious freedom. Only mike pence could take that brand of BS seriously. And does. Or says so.

But wait. It is not only mike pence; for the above quote includes:

Underscoring the importance of Trump's action on the issue to evangelical voters who are critical to his 2020 reelection bid, one prominent evangelical backer Dallas-based pastor Robert Jeffress lauded Trump for focusing on religious freedom instead of climate change.

Well, yes, Jeffress. That's like pence with a bigger paycheck. A bigger following.

A Doug Wardlow, but successful. Last noted, Wardlow was living in MN CD6. Set for a primary challenge to Tom Emmer? It would be a hoot to see, if it would happen.