
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Quoted text, from Texas: Charles Chamberlain, chairman of the liberal advocacy group Democracy for America, said Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee are “out of touch” for “picking winners in state after state.” “What they are doing is hurting our chances to win in the end,” said Chamberlain, adding that the DSCC has a terrible track record of choosing candidates early. “This is the heavy hand of Chuck Schumer who doesn’t understand how to run his caucus. The time for Wall Street, corporate Democrats is passed.” [...] “What I see Chuck Schumer trying to do for all these candidates is to package them like a cookie,” Sweet said. “Their formula is raise a lot of money and a lot of negative ads, and you win. I don’t believe that’s what’s going to win.” Gideon, the primary candidate favored by the DSCC, bristled at the charge that she’s packaged, saying in an interview at a party lobster bake that she “worked with blood, sweat and tears” in the part-time citizen legislature. “There’s nothing packaged and pretty about that,” Gideon said. “It is just hard work, and hard work that is based on dedication and conviction. And I will put myself up against anybody else in that frame any day with clear eyes and a full heart.”

Text is from "The Eagle." It was found by web search, so from the site it is inferred that it is a Texas Aggie outlet. And they write of Schumer.

Perhaps it is time to reevaluate. Calling the Schumer-DSCC effort to bias elections far from Schumer's Hew York home, and his DC digs, might not be "corrupt" as called in an earlier Crabgrass post. Just wise business. Let's say he is an elderly man, having spent his time in the beltway bubble instead of the real world, talking to like minded souls, who want their retired life comfortable and not impecunious so that over time they've become habituated to culling favors with moneyed interests in the hope of having unofficial IOUs they can cash once leaving hallowed government. It is future planning, with no malice toward those they direct money and power against. It not at all personal. Just an average Senator on the prowl. Not hostile to the poor but seeing them as a resource for the wealthy, who are the ones who matter. Courting a latter days payoff is nothing against the downtrodden, just keeping them down and trodden is a part of retirement planning. Not evil. Self and class centered, but isn't that what the job is? Again, nothing personal. Share a bottle with a good friend. Life is to be enjoyed to the fulllest. By those who know how. Folks living paycheck-to-paycheck lack an understanding that if they simply had more money they'd not have to do that. Unfortunate. But true. Uncork it. It is a fine vintage. A 95 rating by Wine Spectator.