
Monday, September 09, 2019

How do you define corruption?

While not in violation of any apparent criminal law, this image - note the big Pfizer middle finger at 2009.

We all know what could have been
, absent moneyed interference, and the garbage we got instead. Garbage [warmed over Republican Romneycare] to where we now need Bernie and Warren pushing for Medicare for All. That Pfizer Finger is my symbol of the embodiment of corruption.

Opinions can differ. However, read the full Pfizer page, look at the list of those engaged in a sell-out of the public to special interest.

Perhaps focus on a single lobbying firm, a big hummer, Aiken Gump. 2019, so far this year, look at the buyers of the dirtbag influence peddlers; it is a cross section of corporate America. It would make a nice investment portfolio for a wealthy Senator or Representative to hold these customers of influence. Who knows . . . ?

Beyond that - these influence sellers know no shame. Touting their firm and how it delivers -

"Politico, The Hill, Others Cover Akin Gump’s Ascent to Top of Lobbying Rankings," stating in part:

Akin Gump partner Don Pongrace, who heads the firm’s public law and policy practice, told Politico, “While we’re really pleased that this result reflects confidence from our clients in our ability to advocate successfully on their behalf, we don’t view the numbers as an end to themselves. We continue to be driven by one primary goal: achieving outstanding results for our clients regardless of the issue we are addressing.”

This coverage follows on the recent arrival of an industry-leading health care policy team to Akin Gump (read more here and here) as well as of top-tier professionals to the firm’s communications and information technology practice (read more here).

[links in original] The buggers. They should advertise on Bedpage, where the whores post ads.