
Thursday, September 05, 2019

Guardian reports on Green New Deal proposals of several presidential candidates.


Trump denies the need for any. Just burn baby, burn. Frack baby, Frack. Insightful denial.

Given Trump disapproval ratings, something may fundamentally change.

UPDATE: Big banks and their financing boost to the big fossil fuel empire, MotherJones.

FURTHER: HuffPo, "Voters Back Liability For Companies That Mislead About Climate Change: Poll."

Denmark has extensive wind power development; and no war policy in the Middle East. We could save a bundle getting to where Denmark is, and leaving those living in the Middle East to sort out their coexistence and desires. It is half a world away from the U.S., and clean energy could prove to be bloodless energy, for us, if not also for the region. Think of cutting the war making budget in favor of an infrastructure incentive which yields a climate related bonus. Win-win seems good.