
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Expected Trump talking points are emerging. Along with Minnesota specific content.

Reaching already to local levels. Link. Judgmental? Convincing?

Read and decide.

Breitbart. And if that interests you, given the source, try this. If Breitbart is flexing away, what can be read into that?

More Breitbart, here and here. Not in lockstep with The Donald. Is it damage control for the outlet's earlier Trump enthusiasims, or a sign of the ship sinking, the rats leaving?

The HIll, yet another poll, but the specificity and twelve point jump portend the Breitbart cold feet for Trump may be prescient.

FURTHER: One quick quote [the poll sample size and methodology details are added at the tail end of the item] -

Support for impeachment grew among Democratic, Republican and independent voters alike. Democratic support jumped from 59 percent to 78 percent, a 19-point increase. The number of Republicans backing impeachment jumped 5 points to 18 percent.

The number of independents who back impeachment doubled to 41 percent.

Whether this represents a reliable long term barometer can be debated, but independents are hearing of the Ukraine call, and not liking what they are being awakened to. Does this mean Trump talking points are falling on deaf ears, or does it mean that the weight of coverage is what seeps through to less-informed voters? If the latter, Biden should worry. NOTE: The item does say 1001 sample size, with detail per an embedded spreadsheet few will take the time to study [not studied for this post - it's only one quick poll].