
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Down With Tyranny! Free the debt slaves. Let them rejoice, despite other Big Brother policy in place.

After student unrest at the end of the '60s the power holders came up with keep 'em indebted and anxious, and they'll be less "uppity." Other saga explanations can be offered, but this seems to be the Nixon-Reagan idea of screwing over the young. And it worked for decades, so you cannot fault their thinking, in light of their goals. It's the goals that suck and need to be retired. Progress demands it. Cutting the screed off there, there is this - a back to the future thing without a tricked out DeLorean:

click the image to read it

From Down With Tyranny! which linked over to NY Times reporting. All it takes is exercise of the human will toward decency, plus responsible public officials. The will has been ever-present among some. Now we face the clear need is to get rid forever of the McConnells who follow the footsteps of the Nixons and Gingriches [and Third Way Clintons]. All those dumpster-ready creeps who we still suffer, into the trash; and throw in a few media outlet controllers and the sun will shine brighter upon young and old.

LAST: The post would be incomplete without giving readers the DWT item's headline - "Conservatives Like Trump And Biden Don't Back The Idea Of Free College, But New Mexico Is Moving Ahead Anyway."

Yes. -- Naming a Two-some of disrepute. (As expected, the NY Times waffled in its headlining, not naming names when naming names helps shine a laser focus upon who the broom needs to sweep.)

So GOTV to decisively sweep out the crud. It is the theme of progress needed and progress sought. A theme where any who want to can hear the message clearly and resoundingly. Sweep for the future of our nation. For progress. And fight the forces for a stale same old repression of the human heart and spirit. They have held sway long enough.