
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dan Burns posts at About single payer appeal, and how all but us in the U.S. have it - HEALTH CARE AS A RIGHT

And why do we not have it? One simple answer. Republicans, plus the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. Hoyer, Schumer, you know the names. Too bad we in Minnesota have no chance to ever vote against the likes of those two impediments to progress. Who is going to primary Hoyer? AOC should primary Schumer, next chance, or Gillibrand. Whichever has a term ending earlier than the other should be the AOC target. Of course her winning against Schumer might not be easy, but think of how the sun will shine brighter and the birds sing more sweetly when Schumer has to officially take on a Wall Street lobbying cloak. Happy Days! If/When.

Aside from the above mini-screed, the link to the Burns post: here.