
Friday, August 16, 2019

Two U.S. Congresspersons, both Democrats, are barred from examining Israel. That is rouge behavior, and the pattern has been to impound the money of rogue states. It is Pelosi's caucus, so Pelosi should defend its members via an unequivocal stance. If she has the political will and courage, that is

Background for the headline's conclusions; e.g., here and here. And every year our nation gives Israel billions, instead. Policy needs rethinking. Tail wagging the dog is a phrase that comes to mind.

Will Pelosi defend her caucus members' right to examine a situation about which policies are pending? Or does Pelosi openly or indirectly support the Israeli position? Hoyer?

Trump's conduct on the issue has been shameful. Our leaders must have a sense of proper perspective, or they fail, as leaders.

And the latest news is the Israelis have more good common sense toward a partial compromise than our President.

However, half measures are offensive, and this is not of the scale of a trade war with China, but rather a lesser nation being disrespectful after its disrespect has been promoted by an ignorant and dangerous man in the White House.

Sad, indeed.

UPDATE: Tlaib appears to agree, insult cannot be tolerated. Or will not. The fact that Congressional members are shunned and insulted is offensive, per se.