
Monday, August 05, 2019

This is dangerous as all Hell - "Trump said, 'I am directing the Department of Justice to work in partnership with local, state, and federal agencies–as well as social media companies–to develop tools that can detect mass shooters before they strike.' He then referenced the February 14, 2018, Parkland shooter, noting he had sent up many red flags with his behavior prior to the shooting, but no one took action to stop him. Trump voiced support for 'Red Flag laws, also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders.' "

Source: Brietbart. This is reported as a thinly-veiled proposal to spy on us all and on some unstated basis to glean out a population subsegment from among us to be subjected to some form of prior restraint, without being in violation of the law. "Might offend" vs "has offended" span a gulf, especially when "might offend" fails to be precisely defined and delineated. This is not a proposal that would, as a part of background-check procedure, impliment some duly constrained database aspects.

Constraint in anticipation one might cause harm is too close to contrived excuse to further erode privacy as well as a denial or at least a curtailment of liberty and pursuit of happiness. Detention without probable cause, or surveillance without sufficient cause.

Recall: Credible background check proposals all would be initiated by applying for a permit. If there is no application there is no movement. That is not "red flagging" malcontents, ad hoc and in advance of anything.

Websearch. Second websearch. Don't worry, be happy?

Orwell told you forms to expect, but you were too busy watching the Seahawks and picking out the color and extras for the new Lexus.