
Friday, August 23, 2019

"State Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan called Lewis 'the best chance we’ve had in decades' to win statewide."


A talk show clown, how can I not envision Mike Pence?

Lewis will have to get himself a Pence haircut. That or grow out some Trump hair.

That headline quote from Minnesota's Republican party chief is a damning statement against her party's statewide candidates during her tenure. Indeed, she said "decades!"

None better than Jason Lewis? Not a one? No wonder they're losers. The one and done talk show host was outworked on campaigning by Angie Craig, and Tina has incumbency. Lewis will be taking Trump's trade war message to the farmers, and will expect a victory.

Well, he'll likely hate monger against Hispanics, that part of Trump Gestalt. How much will hate sell, with the silo full of unsold grain or soybeans? Or what, hate on Omar and hope? That is a sicko approach. Yet, Strib [source of the headline quote] reported:

He called the Senate “the last firewall for freedom” in the face of liberals like U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and the other three members of the progressive “Squad” of congressional Democrats.

Pressed by journalists about his support for Trump, Lewis suggested that Smith should be asked, “Here’s what the Squad said today. What do you think about that?”

Lewis said he won’t distance himself from Trump’s positions on the economy, immigrants and other issues. “I have a hard time disagreeing with much of it,” he said.

So hate against Islam and defense of the tariff stressed rural economy. And Carnahan said it, the best they've got.

Not just guessing, but fact. With charts to explain trending:
"Futures Plunge After China Announces Retaliatory Tariffs On Another $75BN In US Goods"
by Tyler Durden -- Fri, 08/23/2019 - 08:12

Surely by election day Trump may abandon his trade war in defeat, calling it a "victory" much as the Vietnam war was ended. In a route, but helicopters not having to be pushed into the sea, this time.

Would the Trump base see through such a thing? That would involve guessing. It's Trump, so it is uncertain. Don't bother with rational expectations. Trump is driven by the moment, so each moment holds its degree of uncertainty.

________FURTHER UPDATE_______
WSJ reports on an outcome of voodoo economics:

Federal Deficits to Grow More Than Expected Over Next Decade, CBO Says -- CBO boosts 10-year forecasts for budget deficits by $809 billion, citing two-year budget deal
By Kate Davidson -- Updated Aug. 21, 2019 11:46 am ET

[...] In total, deficits are now expected to rise $809 billion more than the agency projected just a few months ago, bringing total deficits over the next decade to $12.2 trillion.

Annual deficits as a share of economic growth are expected to average 4.7% over that period, higher than the 4.4% the CBO estimated in May and well above the 2.9% average over the past 50 years.

Overall, the CBO said government debt as a share of the economy is expected to rise from 79% this year to 95% in 2029—up from 92% when the agency released its 10-year forecasts in May and the highest level since just after World War II, when debt exceeded the size of the economy.


The fat-cat tax cut the Republicans crammed through, plus normal levels of spending equates to disaster for the 99%, cream skimmed off the top by the 1%; and you can thank Republican voters for doing it to the rest of us. Doing as they were told, instead of thinking about the future.

Jason Lewis will be trying to sell all that to Minnesota. May he fail and perish in flames in the general election - still over a year away.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
The Economist, reflecting indirectly upon the Lewis strategy of happy days are here again. Here, also.