
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Sleaze trifecta: Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, Deutsche Bank. [UPDATED]

NOTE: The post was placed online before report that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in custody. See the updating.

Deutsche Bank sure looks like a high roller's best friend, through thick or thin, SAR reports tardy, oh my!

Focus on Epstein: Following Epstein's money will be tried. How successfully? How suppressed will news allowed out currently be, when compared with the secrecy of the Acosta disgrace out of Florida (when W was in the white house and do YOU think the plea deal was not approved upstream, W's AG at least, likely by W himself)?

We wait to see. ZeroHedge speculating on why Epstein flew back from Paris, Jesse on RT. Ehud Barak's less than open 2016 photographed visit to Epstein/New York property. Smoke/fire thinking makes the Epstein unwinding better than fiction. How it settles, who it touches, what might be suppressed by our government of the facts, are several questions now pending.

Julie K. Brown, whose investigative reporting tenacity likely broke the Epstein news to the public, write's Miama Herald's latest. It looks as if the defense wants to stall until after the next election, if feasible, while the prosecution wants it to trial or a tell-all plea bargain ASAP. Big surprise? How Ms. Maxwell's future will unfold is not being asked loudly enough by the press. The onion layer-by-layer cliche comes to mind.

Following the money is essential. Lolita Express and how many Bill Clinton trips is of collateral interest, but really, what in total Epstein was up to and whose money seeded things for him are more interesting in terms of our nation's having good or bad government in the past, re Epstein and what he was up to.

Drone footage of Epstein's Caribbean Island, here and here. Including the weird-shit temple. Why that?

Last, honey trap speculation; by Eric Margolis

Soon after I walked into the entrance of Epstein’s mansion on E 71st Street, said to be the city’s largest private home, a butler asked me, “would you like an intimate massage, sir, by a pretty young girl?” This offer seemed so out of place and weird to me that I swiftly declined.

More important than indelicacy, as an old observer of intelligence affairs, to me this offer reeked of ye old honey trap, a tactic to ensnare and blackmail people that was old when Babylon was young. A discreet room with massage table, lubricants and, no doubt, cameras stood ready off the main lobby.

I had arrived with Canada’s leading lady journalist who was then close to Epstein’s sometime girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell and, it was said, procuress – something Maxwell denies. Bizarrely, Maxwell believed that I could get KGB Moscow Center to release satellite photos that showed the murder on his yacht of her father, the press baron Robert Maxwell, who was a well-known double agent for Israel and KGB, and a major criminal.

Also present was the self-promoting lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, who had saved the accused murderer Claus von Bulow, as well as a titan of the New York real estate industry (not Trump) and assorted bigwigs of the city’s elite Jewish society. All sang the praises of Israel.

Epstein reportedly had ties to Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince Andrew and repeatedly flew them about in his private jet, aka “the Lolita Express.” All guests deny any sexual activity. I turned down dinner with Prince Andrew.

Epstein’s residence in Manhattan and Palm Beach, both of which I visited, were stocked with young female “masseuses.” All were working class girls making big money in their spare time. I did not see any interactions between these girls and the guests.

[...] He claimed to be an exclusive money manager for a group of secretive millionaires. But the only one identified was billionaire Leslie Wexner, the owner of L Brands and Victoria’s Secret. Wexner denied any knowledge of Epstein’s alleged crimes.

Besides sexual frolics, Epstein and Maxwell were up to many odd things. The FBI found diamonds, cash and a fake passport when raiding his mansion and documents showing his net worth at $559,120,954.00. The IRS tax people will be eager to review the sources of this income.

It seems likely that political influence was brought to bear on then US attorney Alexander Acosta (he just resigned under fire last week) to make a sweetheart deal with Epstein, who had been charged by Florida with child molestation. Epstein got off with a token, 13-month jail sentence that allowed him to work from his office much of the day.

[...] There was talk of some sort of “intelligence” angle to the affaire Epstein that spared him a harsh sentence.

A respected former CIA official, Phil Giraldi has come right out and accused Epstein of being an Israeli agent of influence. Epstein was let off with a slap on the wrist on his first child abuse charge, says Giraldi, because of his powerful Israel connections.

To Giraldi and this writer, the Epstein “massage” operation was a classic intelligence operation designed to blackmail men of influence into doing Israel’s bidding. Clinton had reportedly already fallen into this trap years earlier while still president.

Margolis posted, but did not link on the "Phil Giraldi" hearsay, and a quick websearch found one Giraldi online item matching the Margolis post's mention (dated July 23, 2019). That item, in a longish post, states in part

Some journalists in the Jewish media are starting to complain that President Donald Trump is “loving Israel” just a little too much since he keeps citing his concern for the Jewish state as the driving force behind some of his erratic behavior.

It is a viewpoint that I most definitely share, though I would describe the apparent White House lovefest with the Israel as a “lot too much.” When the President of the United States calls a congresswoman an anti-Semite and demands that she apologize to him personally and also to Israel it is definitely a lot too much.

So Israel is always in the news, or so it seems, though it is often not in the news when the story might be derogatory. The story disappears from sight as soon as it is determined that Israel might be involved, as is currently the case with Jeffrey Epstein, or Israeli activity is excised completely as was the case with the Mueller investigation where Russiagate should have really been called Israelgate as it was Israel that was seeking favors from the incoming Trump Administration, not Russia.

As Noam Chomsky put it, Israeli interference in American politics “vastly overwhelms” anything Russia has done.

[...] Foreign influence as a potential national security threat is also a status defined in legal terms by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA), which requires anyone working on behalf of a foreign government to register and make transparent sources of income.

Uniquely, no foundation or individual working in America to advance the interests of the Jewish state has ever been required to register under FARA even though many, like the odious American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), boast unambiguously on their websites that they are “America’s pro-Israel Lobby.” Many of the foundations are regarded as educational or charitable 501(c)3 tax exempt non-profits, which means the U.S. taxpayer is helping support their activity.

[...] The most recent foundation being set up by Israel’s friends to promote the interests of the Jewish state is the Edmund Burke Foundation, which hosted a conference on “Nationalism” last week. The conference was interesting in that the Burke Foundation is headed by an Israeli and an American Jew who has served as Executive Director of the Christians United For Israel (CUFI). The event was held at the Washington D.C. Ritz-Carlton, suggesting that the Burkeans are not short of cash. Pro-Israel groups always seem to have plenty of Benjamins.

[links in original] The last link is Giraldi linking to another item he authored titled, "Edmund Burke Rides Again - But this time the horse is paid for by Israel."

Look at the people running it. Its President is David Brog, who is also the executive director of the Maccabee Task Force, “an effort launched in 2015 to combat the anti-Israel BDS movement. He also sits on the Board of Directors of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), were he served as executive director for its first ten years. Before CUFI, Brog worked in the United States Senate for seven years, rising to be chief of staff to Senator Arlen Specter and staff director of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He has also worked as an executive at America Online and practiced corporate law in Tel Aviv, Israel and Philadelphia, PA. Brog is the author of Standing with Israel: Why Christians Support the Jewish State (2006) and In Defense of Faith: the Judeo-Christian Idea and the Struggle for Humanity (2010). In 2007, the Forward newspaper listed Brog in its ‘Forward 50’ most influential Jews in America.”

The Edmund Burke Foundation’s Chairman is an Israeli Yoram Hazony, who describes himself as a “Jewish philosopher.” He resides in the Jewish state and is a well-known Israeli nationalist, having written that nationalism empowers “the collective right of a free people to rule themselves.” He declares that “We should not let a hairbreadth of our freedom be given over to foreign bodies under any name whatsoever, or to foreign systems of law that are not determined by our own nations.” He adds “My first concern is for Israel.”

In other words, for Hazony all external criticism of what Israel is and does is illegitimate while Brog is what might be described as someone who has made a career out of being Jewish, along the way advancing what he perceives as Israeli interests. So why are they heading an ostensibly American foundation?

[links in original] In that item, Geraldi links to another item he authored, where interested readers can have a look.

Readers are urged to read full items, beyond the above excerpting. Two authors with overlapping speculation and a common perspective on Israeli conduct are far from definitive that their Israeli honey trap guessing is correct.

But at least they are trying to make sense out of the Epstein-Maxwell underage sex situation.

The Israel Lobby does have a multiplicity of outlets and voices.

Any websearch "Israel Lobby" will yield links to diverse online content. So what of Epstein's abused young girls, that way? Will that rock actually get lifted to see all that crawls beneath it? Or will whitewash and diversionary events be interposed?

 In Giraldi's post from which the quote is taken, this link, contains, bolded and set off conspicuously, this observation:

In the media the Epstein story died almost immediately, submerged in the tale of Donald Trump telling several congresswomen to go back where they came from.

Old expresions abound, such as "a fly in the ointment." E.g.,

This websearch is troubling. Neither the 53p Florida draft paperwork nor the text of the Florida plea deal were located as posted on the web. Searching yields much commentary about the Florida fiasco, but underlying documents, if online at all, are online where? E.g., commentary of interest, without posting links to either the ghost 53p indictment, or settlement papers; including closing barn doors after the horse is gone investigations, state and federal; here, here, here and here. [FURTHER UPDATE: Wikipedia's Acosta post in footnotes links here, Scribd, for text of the deal Acosta cut in secret with a defense lawyer from his old private practice firm.]


Who were pedophile Epstein and prosecutor Acosta protecting with ‘bizarre’ deal?

[...] The non-prosecution agreement also shut down a South Florida grand jury probe that could have reached to others in Epstein’s international sex-trafficking ring. The deal even shielded unnamed “potential co-conspirators” from ever having to defend themselves.

“The federal Grand Jury investigation will be suspended, and all pending federal Grand Jury subpoenas will be held in abeyance unless and until the defendant violates any term of this agreement,” according to a copy obtained by Florida Bulldog.

Like the “potential co-conspirators,” the people on the subpoena list aren’t identified in the pact, and their names haven’t surfaced publicly since it was signed on Sept. 24, 2007. Four Epstein employees who received immunity are identified, but the list, “including, but not limited to” them, is clearly intended to be open-ended.

[...] The puzzling “potential co-conspirators” language in the Epstein-Acosta accord, the actions of Epstein’s friend and legal team member Alan Dershowitz, and what is known about long-ago contacts between Epstein and powerful, rich men like Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, the present and former president, raise questions about who those grand jury witnesses, or perhaps targets, may have been.

Attorney Jack Scarola called the co-conspirators clause an “extraordinary provision” written for “inexplicable reasons.” He represents Bradley Edwards, a lawyer for Epstein victims, in a malicious prosecution claim against Epstein that was set for trial this week in West Palm Beach state court.

Scarola said, “I have been practicing law for 45 years, including five as a criminal prosecutor, and I have never heard of such a deal in which unnamed co-conspirators were given blanket immunity for unnamed crimes.”

Joel Hirschhorn, a veteran criminal defense lawyer who is not involved in the Epstein litigation, called the blanket immunity clause “bizarre,” and added, “The whole thing stank from the beginning.”

How does the "who were the unidentified others question" fit the Israeli honey-trap conjecture, in your judgment?

Do you believe Dershowitz denials of being a co-participant in underage girl abuse?

AND - Do you think they taught Acosta to pull that kind of shit at Harvard Law School, or did he learn it while practicing law with the firm that he was negotiating with after his U.S. Attorney appointment? Or was a direct order handed down to the local lead attorney, Acosta, from superiors in DC, an order to let Epstein write his own deal through counsel? Would you expect any paper trail that way, or would there have been only oral communication from DC, if any?

______________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Saturday, 8/10/2019, link - We won't have Jeffrey Epstein to kick around any longer. Allegedly hanged himself. Ms. Maxwell has not been reported as anything besides alive and well, available for testimony.

What of those "unnamed co-conspirators" who "were given blanket immunity for unnamed crimes?" At a guess the entire question will be buried quicker than Epstein. As to what of them, I could only guess. Ask Alan Morton Dershowitz. He holds himself out as a legal expert of sorts. He'd likely opine that the deal puts them out of prosecutorial reach, and the matter should be put to rest on such terms. Trump, Clinton, each might agree.

Deutsche Bank, as an artificial person, a corporation, remains alive. On the ropes some suggest, but alive. Bless Deutsche Bank, and wish it a long life, in perpetuity being frequent corporate charter language, but events could cut a corporate life short, e.g., Enron.

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
A major purpose of denying Epstein bail was possibility of escape.

Now, there is irony to that thought. "Escape" cannot be any greater in scope than croaking. So, did he escape or was he escaped: In custody, so that the reporting from custodial officials is all the evidence reported so far. Hanged, how? With what?

Suicide watch with a capability of a hanging? What kind of suicide watch is that?

Does the term mean that officials watched the suicide? What, then?

Again, Jesse on RT, per YouTube.

Do you trust the FBI to investigate?

FURTHER: N.Y. Mag's "Intelligencer."

This is like Bill Casey's death, or Osama's, where neither you nor I ever saw a body. "Trust me," from our governments' insiders is what we saw. Each of those two deaths was given us as the closing of a chapter.

FURTHER: A body, airplane crash, with the body identified by Israeli authorities as Amiram Nir. Death of an alleged mastermind or Oliver North accomplice in Iran-Contra activities. Another conveniently timed death, or what? And, it was not a reader or me who identified the body back during Reagan years.

FURTHER: Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger. Sometimes the ball. No greased-skids plea deal this go-round. Will there be a quick quiet cremation, published as follow-up news; or will there be searching for pallbearers, too many unfortunately with other commitments?