
Friday, August 30, 2019

READER WARNING - THIS IS A RANT: Minnesota Vikings broadcasts - an opinion on sideline interviews, camera shots of a sideline or a player on the sideline, camera shots of the stands - all while there is action on the field which many would rather watch

That distracting garbage detracts rather than adding to the viewing experience. Some player's mon in the stands, so what?

Worse of all, such stuff is done on national broadcasts of NFL games apart from local Vikings broadcasts.

Worse of that stuff - player interviews, coach interviews, broadcasting booth shots, when breaking the huddle and aligning is going on so that parts of plays are missed [or tight shots of a quarterback's hands under the center's ass, stuff contrary to seeing the game plays, start to finish].

As to any sideline or booth interviews beyond play calling from the booth -- if I want to listen to idiots talking to one another, I would be watching FOX news, CNN news, or MSNBC news; propaganda outlets each, but Ben Lieber on the sideline talking to a couple of linebackers, do that in pregame coverage for anyone who watches pregame BS.

With the motive of wanting to see a football game, why would I want other content besides the game? The clowns in the truck with the multiple monitors switching from actual, real field action to that other stuff could be fired and the broadcast channels would save some money. It is as if those clowns are football haters, thinking it would be too boring to see only football played when tuning into football broadcasts. Sideline analytical commentary along with booth play-by-play calling is okay, as long as the camera stays on the field instead of some person holding a microphone - and limit it to persons who actually have played or coached, and who understrand the game, not women well dressed with nice hair saying this or that.

End of RANT. It has been posted and will not be revisited again.