
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pelosi speaks to AP about the Trump-Netanyahu boycott of Tlaib and Omar intending to visit the Palestinians, in speaking indirectly, at best. AP reports, but without any posted interview transcript.

Earlier, this Crabgrass post.

Today, online at AP, this item. Reporting seems as if excerpted from some larger interview scope. Presenting an actual full transcript would be better than paraphrase. Readers should review that reporting, as to whether it is a sufficient defense of caucus integrity. Surely hurling rocks at the Don and Bibi twosome is appropriate, but did Pelosi hang Tlaib and Omar out to dry?

Leaving the post at the above would arguably be unfair to Pelosi. Trump is clearly trying to gin up "his base" via attack upon Muslim congresswomen of color; while Pelosi does correctly reposition the question of Trump-Bibi unreasonableness. Looking at the political ploy the Don-Bibi pair are ginning up and calling bullshit on it is, in essence, entirely appropriate. Perhaps it is Pelosi, this time, having the long-term larger perspective on the current state of affairs. Fairness requires mention of this in posting about Democratic Party caucus-wide best interests.

A transcript of the entire interview would aid understanding.