
Monday, August 05, 2019

Forty-nine channels and nothing's on. RawStory Headline: "49 Republican lawmakers refuse CNN request to talk about mass shootings: ‘The silence is deafening’ "

Link. These right-wing gun terrorists don't get the attention. The right-wing politicians will dodge acknowledging that what is so is so. Not Silence of the Lambs. It's, Silence of the Wolves in Sheeps Clothing.

HOWEVER - Terror is as terror does.

Coverage and commentary not drawing the parallel - FOX or elsewhere? It must be religious or ethnic bias at play. At any rate, an excerpt from a parallel RawStory ties things up nicely:

Their hateful ideology is rooted in a conspiracy theory promoted in the 2011 book, “The Great Replacement,” by French author Renaud Camus, who warned white people are being deliberately “replaced” through mass immigration with the assistance of liberal elites.

“They all cite each other,” said [Clint] Watts, a former FBI agent and current distinguished research fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. “(Saturday’s) El Paso shooter cited Christchurch. Then he talked about how a month ago, he started to think about an attack. That’s really a short time, which makes it even more impossible for law enforcement to get in front of it.”

Watts said white supremacist terrorists have touched off a wave of violent attacks using similar tactics as Islamic State militants, who recruit vulnerable young men online and create an echo chamber of extremist rhetoric.

“Because of those successful attacks, you’d see a wave of inspired attacks, meaning that there are often one, two, three people already thinking about doing an attack,” Watts said. “They mobilize because they want to get into the media storm. They want to be part of that phenomenon. It becomes a contagion.”

Trump. Sad.