
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

AND PIGS WILL FLY: "Illinois Rep. Cheri Bustos is chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. She said late Monday that she had 'fallen short' and would 'work tirelessly to ensure that our staff is truly inclusive.' "

Bustos will never veer from her corporatist roots and outlook. She likely was born that way. Bustos will "work tirelessly to assure" the DCCC is populated as a corporatist outpost and fort, to withstand any and all attempt by progressives to see a shade of reasonableness out of the woman and out of the organization for as long as Bustos controls it. She might do language and skin color AND gender diversity; but hell will be quite cold before she faces the reality that progressives are the future of the Democratic Party, indeed, the only future it has now that Republican-lite has been seen and is despised.

The only way Bustos could do diversity meaningful to progressives is to include progressives, especially young progressives, in the process and to eliminate that DCCC-maintained consultancy blacklist against any hangers-on for cash payments who aid primary challengers against corporatist Dem incumbents. Can DCCC be anything but a joke? Is the intent to make it look so badly biased against progress that a similar direction in DNC might be overshadowed? Who knows?

The headline quote is from a July 30 AP feed carried by Strib.