
Thursday, May 02, 2019

Writing previously as I did, I was unaware of this April 29, 2019, TruthDig synopsis doing things far tighter and more thoroughly than posts here.

Read it. "Joe Biden Has Comcast-Owned MSNBC in the Tank."


Many links to follow, should you doubt. There is truth. There is propaganda. If doing a Venn diagram, what degree of overlap would you expect. Entire fantasy can fail as propaganda, so too heavy a hand would be counterproductive. And the most effective propaganda often is not what you say, but what you omit mentioning. Or bind the two, calling Joe "electable" without mention of who owns Joe.

So -- Hang on forever to that final paragraph of the TruthDig item, but only go there through reading all before it.


It's "news."

Two more links, here and here, the second item exploring thoughts with the author of the first.

Get to know Joe. And in that context, among many reasons to favor other office seekers, this sticks with me as something apart from other things, as humanizing. As a hope that if there is a Biden cramdown, that it might not be as bad as all the other evidence suggests; particularly the bankruptcy insult he delivered to the most powerless of people in the nation, who deserved better than what he served upon them.

And the defining contrast, Warren and Biden opposed on meanness toward debtors, is the strongest argument I see favoring Warren, Bernie, Gabbard and Booker over Biden and the also-rans. I could vote for any one of those four, not Biden, possibly one of the also-rans, should a big surprise happen. Which is why I continue to contend Biden is the one candidate who if the nominee would yield four more Trump years. There's not much more to say of Biden besides what's in the sidebar and earlier posting, and the ongoing focus here likely will be upon Warren, Bernie and Gabbard, as the three I would be proud to vote for, no lesser evil reservations in mind at all. Each of the three would honestly carry progress into a tired party needing it badly.