
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Why so many? Who's funding the Texas, California, New York, New Jersey mischief?

Bernie has energized people to support his aims. So of a sudden Kamala appears in California saying similar things, Beto in Texas, Gillibrand in New York, Booker in New Jersey. Big states going into a Democratic Party primary. Each locally grounded candidate poised to take on Bernie in a separate state, to take primary votes from his popular message and his trustworthy record and demeanor. Why? Who benefits from this attempted scuttling of Bernie in populous states?

Besides those running as candidates, there are the behind-the-scene perps -  the Democratic Party's inner party hangers on, consultants and lobbyists, Wall Street, a host of donors who are putting their money where, for what?

Arguably Warren doing the same in Massachusetts, but Warren is so sincere appearing with a sincere record that she's legit.

Tulsi and Bullock, neither is taking away a big bloc of Dem convention endorsement votes from the Bernie extravaganza.

But who has fueled the early entry of Harris, Booker, Beto and Gillibrand? Not the people. That's damned certain; so go figure. None of those posing as progressive ones need to do much nationwide, so long as they might, given enough money and TV ads, scuttle Bernie's popularity in populous states. Is it a concerted effort? Count 'em, look how early they started, look at how they each get financing. Think it over. The thinking here is Bernie and Warren are the top choices, Bullock and Gabbard being acceptable; Biden being poison that only a trained seal would vote for, and then what, Amy to try to get at Bernie in Minnesota, with no hope nationwide no matter how many staff people she musters to say the "hard on staff" rumor is a false concoction of Klobuchar enemies, grudge holders with base motives?

It is the establishment favorite son/daughter ploy, trotted out. Persons saying whatever, with the aim being to derail a true innovative front runner who attracts massive and enthusiastic crowds wherever he speaks.

Contrast the positioned choice of the DNC and DCCC creeps; Joe Biden; who gets his first fundraiser from a Comcast lobbying guru. Sane people do not want Joe Biden anymore than they'd want four more Trump years. The latter outcome might, however, sink into hidebound Dem inner party trash as cause to improve - to clean up their act. A Biden election would have precisely the opposite effect; so go figure. Figure why I will not, ever, vote for Joe Biden.

(HINT: this post includes images)