
Saturday, May 18, 2019

What a lie. It's not about Trump. It is about appeasers of the rich, about embrace of a status quo that serves the rich at the expense of everyone else. And this guy is a lying perp of the problem, more in need of a solution, than merely ousting Trump via putting corporatist blue dogs where Trump and Pence now sit.

Biden, serving a crap sandwich:

Facing thousands of voters in his native Pennsylvania for the second time as a 2020 contender, the former vice president offered a call for bipartisan unity that seemed far more aimed at a general election audience than the fiery Democratic activists most active in the presidential primary process. He acknowledged, however, that some believe Democrats should nominate a candidate who can tap into their party's anti-Trump anger.

"That's what they are saying you have to do to win the Democratic nomination. Well, I don't believe it," Biden declared. "I believe Democrats want to unify this nation. That's what the party's always been about. That's what it's always been about. Unity."

Credit card usury and Comcast love is what Joe is all about, hence, he lies to hide it. If he's elected, it will be back to the Bush-Obama do little years, where income inequality ruled, and under Biden, would still rule; Trump being but a bump in the road to gaining actual real tangible progress; something Joe neither represents nor likes.

He lies and misleads.