
Friday, May 10, 2019

"What Elizabeth Warren has going for her is the fact that Democratic voters have never particularly liked Wall Street bailouts or big international “free-trade” deals. She, for one, won’t have to renounce her record to appeal to their beliefs. Her presidential campaign is a bet that someone who has been a strong critic of the political system and the Democratic Party can become the leader of both by being consistent, credible, and right. This is the bet that Obama made in 2008, when his strong opposition to the Iraq War was shared by a majority of voters but far from a majority of elected Democrats. It worked for him, and it may just work for her."

"Consistent, credible and right." Warren is that and with a crowded field, those attributes are valuable. Please appreciate them, and Warren. The quote is from The Nation, and readers are urged to read that item until they hit the headlined quote.

Also about Warren, and from The Nation, but specific to another reform, "Elizabeth Warren Gets the Argument Against the Electoral College Exactly Right -- She says it would steer candidates to states that aren’t now considered political “battlegrounds,” such as Mississippi. By John Nichols, March 19, 2019." Readers are urged to read it to the end.

Just count the votes. Not whoring to what might happen in "battleground states," but where one voter in Wyoming swings no more weight than one in California, as to the number of electors being set as now in the Constitution. And the item notes a possible reform apart from amending the Constitution, via a compact among a sufficient number of states. The link is in the item.

Warren, on YouTube, a brief excerpt from a longer Mississippi appearance, the segment where she discusses electoral college reform by elimination, so that every vote counts apart from sending electors anywhere, to do anything.

Warren seems to throw more thunder and lightning than others in the pack. Bless her for doing so.

And, everything she says makes sense!