
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Looking back to Rep. Omar's statement, true to the very last word, "Some people did something."

It is like saying some person(s) shot President Kennedy during a motorcade. It does not demand that one buys into any particular official version. One nice dimension of the First Amendment is nobody can force you to buy into any official version, not honestly and wholeheartedly, not via lip service. But when those three Trade Center towers were brought down as they were, each into its own footprint and not by any sidewise fall of any part; without some people doing something the three would not have fallen. Omar spoke the truth. As we know it. Compare Omar's open statement of truth with fewer premises, than built into items here or here. I, and Crabgrass readers, were not present after the fact to sift through any of the rabble.

It was off limits to the public. Some officials decided something.