
Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Rachel Maddow segment yesterday, May 15, 2019, focused favorably on Montana Governor Steve Bullock's recently announced run for the Democratic Party's 2020 Presidential nomination.

MSNBC's Maddow 18 min segment about and speaking with Bullock. (The YouTube post is 40 min. long. After the first 18 minutes of the linked item, Maddow switches to other issue coverage.)

Maddow, June 1, 2012.

UPDATE: An MSNBC link, Maddow/Bullock.

This coverage is apart from MSNBC's owner, Comcast, putting its chips on Biden via its top lobbyist coordinator holding a mega-buck early Biden fundraiser, with big-ticket buy in pricing for participants. Might Bullock be running for VP? Hopefully not, because he's worlds better than Biden, so weigh that. If the Biden effort runs onto the shoals, Bullock might still be a viable candidate. Starting late because he first wrapped up his Montana governor duties might cut against Bullock in early states, but the candidacy is viewed at Crabgrass as more interesting than other governors running, Hickenlooper and Inslee.

FURTHER: Bullock's campaign website's media page has not yet posted a link to the Maddow segment. Other coverage of the Bullock entry into the Democratic field; this websearch.

FURTHER: Bullock's "Meet Steve" website page. He was innovative in using a governor's executive order power to require any/all service contractors with his State to embrace net neutrality as a preliminary requirement to doing business with the State of Montana. Other governors followed suit, including Cuomo in New York. Bullock was first.