
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A new and interesting post by Dan Burns at his "Annex" site.

Specifically, the latest, this link. For Dan's most recent thinking, the general link

As to Dan's latest post, the list of centrists; I'd put Kamala Harris dead center with Beto et al. and the view here is that Bullock is more a progressive and less a centrist than the other listed perps. He's been a trend setter on net neutrality, as Montana Governor he submitted a pro-labor amicus brief in Janus, and by focusing on Citizens United and money corrupting politics he's going to the essence of the problem.

He's been a more impressive state Attorney General than Harris. Taking a Montana campaign financing protective measure all the way to the Supreme Court [losing to that bunch of losers being the unfortunate outcome] while Harris was leaning on parents of truants.

As governor he had to take a realistic position facing the fact that Montana mines much coal; but his enviro cred is otherwise fine. He's been a solid advocate for public lands protections, against the exploitative forces we in Minnesota know all too well.

I like Bullock. Of the bunch listed at the Annex post, he's taller than the rest [including Harris there as the centrist she truly seems to be].