
Friday, April 12, 2019

The DCCC is doing what Rockefeller did as an antitrust violation with his Standard Oil monopoly, fostering a collective refusal to deal. Small donor progressives should not give one penny to DCCC. Give to individual candidates you trust.

Rockafeller got the railroads to collectively deal with him on better terms than they would give to Rockefeller's competitors in shipping oil by rail in pre-pipeline days. He could charge less at the pump that way and could squeeze competitors to zero profit while still having a profit himself. It was patently unfair.

Now the DCCC is doing worst. It is blacklisting campaign services firms doing business with "competitors."

What DCCC is doing is short-sighted, to characterize it most kindly. "Brain-dead and mean-spirited" better characterize the situation.

Reporting, the Intercept, here; and the Hill, here, here, here and a defense of the DCCC action by one of its beloved consultants here. Favoring ossification over new blood is unwise; but it is the DCCC, which in the past has been at fault with discouraging exceptional candidates. On a can you flow big bucks to our beloved consultant class basis.

Young Turks discuss it in a video on Youtube. (They run a paid promotion at the start and finish of the item, but between these slices there is the meat.) This is the opposite of draining the swamp. This is pissing on the future. On my future, which is why to me it is worth a critical post. It is akin to both parties scratching each other's back in agreeably gerrymandering districts to favor incumbency in both parties' "secure districts."

Trade you one for one of mine redistricting stuff is bipartisan. This is one party's effort to stymie its own improvement if that improvement is to be at the cost of bad incumbents being discarded in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

It is sick.

Pelosi is part of the problem, not really a part of any lasting meaningful solution - just kick the can down the road Nancy. Plus being know-it-all snotty. She needs to be primaried. Big time and either a Cantor-like ouster, or damned close to it in order to teach the woman respect or at least zip-the-lip reasonableness.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
The Intercept does a bio item of one of those best and brightest consultants of the beltway's triangulating anti-progress elite; and it fails to impress.