
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Declared 2020 Dem presidential candidate financial reporting.

Let's hear a big cheer for money in politics. Not how we'd like it. But how it is.

Strib and CBS report for first quarter, 2019. Top six, in descending order, in millions of dollars:

Bernie - 18.2
Kamala - 12
Beto 9.4
Buttigieg - 7
Amy - 5.2
Cory 5
others ---

Readers should recognize the six by first names, Pete being one perhaps not familiar, for Buttigieg's first name. Unless Joe enters, these six seem the players in the hunt (per reporting as of today). Presumably Elizabeth Warren has not yet filed.

NOTE: The numbers are for quarterly take. Each being a present office holder would have funds already likely on hand from prior campaigning which would be routed over so that balance on hand at end of quarter would be a different number for each. Also, each would have had expenditures in differing amounts for goods and services. Readers wanting more info should ferret around the FEC website. The question of who in the bunch takes corporate and/or big donor money, from whom, is left for interested readers to research. For readers liking hypotheticals, is Joe already building a war chest and if Joe enters whose wallet will he crimp most among the others?

Bernie is favored here. That bias has been curbed to try to simply present snapshot data.