
Friday, April 26, 2019

Big Associated Press news: "Casey endorses Biden in Democrats’ 2020 race for president -- April 25, 2019." It ain't Casey at the bat doing it, it's Casey at the trough.

AP link, beginning excerpt:

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania’s Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Casey is endorsing Joe Biden for president, just minutes after the former vice president entered the crowded 2020 race.

In a statement Thursday, Casey touted Biden as a fighter for the middle class who can beat President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania if Biden becomes the Democratic nominee.

A fighter for who? THIS BOB CASEY.

that Bob Casey

Diane Feinstein, . . . of all people. Who'd have ever guessed?

Links, here, here and here. Reciprocity; friends help friends.