
Monday, April 01, 2019

Biden, whether or not he has a groping problem, is that more important than his carrying all the dissatisfaction progressives felt about Obama years?

Instead of actual substantial healthcare reform, drug pricing was off the table from the start in the course of implementing Heritage Foundation policy a/k/a Romneycare. Etc.

Strib carrying an AP feed, here; WaPo; websearch, here. So?

There are a host of good candidates already declared, Bernie, Warren, others. Who wants Joe? Refried Obama? Move on.

The worse thing that could happen is Biden declaring; the worse general election candidate raising a likelihood of four more Trump years; Biden. A Ms. Clinton of the other gender; unneeded, unwanted.

And that's without going into the atrocious way Biden handled the Anita Hill hearings, allowing Clarence Thomas a top court seat. Noting a great respect for Thurgood Marshall here, the notion that a "black seat" on the top court meant Thomas was okay, offends the legacy of Marshall. Greatly. Biden chaired the hearings, a link.

Counterpunch. CommonDreams. A websearch.

Many reasons. One conclusion. Not Biden.