
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Bernie on the camaign trail, in Pittsburgh, attracting the same big crowds as last cycle, and telling the truth about a prominent liar, and more.

YouTube. This link. He has to be the candidate. Theft of that from Bernie would be a theft from each of us, and do you want to be robbed?

The crowd is predominantly young, under 40 by appearances, and predominantly white. Nina Turner is working to get the message known within black communities, and people such as Kieth Ellison are there doing the same in Minnesota where I live. Ellison who advocates a fifty state Democratic Party approach as he'd have done if leadiing DNC. Bernie has good people backing him; Trump has thugs.

Other Democratic primary contestants are not without quality and worthwhile supporters. Biden? Whose choice is he, really? Big donors are not a part of any solution. Grassroots have to be respected and successful, now is the time the chance is ripe. Help the effort, or later wish you had.

Watch Bernie. Not an untrue thing. You can disagree on ideas, but in contrast to the White House occupant, truth is refreshing.