
Saturday, April 06, 2019

Another Biden post, perhap overkill, perhaps just enough; but, here it is.

This and this. Trading thusly in "some people think this and some think that and we need an apology" stuff rings in as being little but superficial navel gazing at the lowest of analytical levels, and as such, it is galling as an insult to our intelligence.

What the question should be, with Bernie and AOC ringing long brushed-aside bells, is do we want another corporatist bank-loving Democratic Party puppet with a lifetime service to money and its ways and means; i.e., simply more of the same? Nicely tailored suit, again? More of an Obama-Clinton Koolaid flavor version of "Democrats to cherish?"

Or do we want better?

Making the point by video, there is absolutely no difference in substance (folksy style vs oily aside), between THIS and THIS or THIS.

SO - after actually viewing those videos instead of not - answer this in your heart and mind: Who besides the bankers and giant international corporate honchos, along with those few within our national population living off capital who do not need to labor but only to oversee wealth accumulations of millions or billions - who besides those, wants either of those two video-memorialzed owned and staying-bought politicians to be granted sway over anything like top levers of national decision making power; power to be used, ostensiblhy, on behalf of the people?

There is no difference. Pawlenty, Biden. And, Beto?

Business as usual? Does the item's final paragraph say it all?

FURTHER: VanityFair. Same theme as here. Who he's been politically irks more than a kerfuffle over demeaning touchy feely.