
Monday, March 25, 2019

Strib carries an AP feed about after Barr gained access to Muller's report. The item states in one later paragraph, "Democrats seem more likely to focus on their multiple investigations of the president, calls for transparency and frustrations with Barr rather than engaging in the talk of impeachment that has been amplified on Pelosi's left flank. As the release of Mueller's report loomed, she recently tried to scuttle that talk by saying she's not for impeachment, for now." It seems she should be open-minded on that question beyond her own feelings. She should ask to hear from others.

Strib link. Specifically Pelosi should say she'd like to hear from Pence on the question of impeachment. Can you imagine his biting his tongue while left no option but reciting chapter and verse of overreching, wrongly motivated, ill-concieved, premature, and such, all the while wanting Trump cast aside as the only thing between him and his burning ambitions. God and Jesus on his side that way, time to cast away stones, etc. after stones have been gathered about. For every thing there is a season, and there is that one big stone in Pence's way, and a new season is upon us.