
Friday, March 01, 2019

If you want an insight into people needlessly dying or being bankrupted by the artificially inflated price gouging of Big Pharma in the U.S. of A. then consider open secrets online data.

Total pharma manufacturing spending to buy federal politicians; here.

The numbers are stupendous. As well as explanatory. Would you guess the big time recipients bite the hand that funds them?

Top bought, 2016. Top bought, 2018.

For 2016, compare the Clinton vs Trump and Bernie amounts (the latter two looking as if CYA afterthoughts by pharma money tenders). AND - Which candidate was it who said Bernie's single payer policy was impractical? Yeah. Her.

For 2018, look at Gillibrand. Ahead of Paul Ryan even.

When considering the money in 2018 from the pharma manufacturing segment to each U.S. Senator, compare how that's greatly more cash flowed toward Gillibrand than Warren, Bernie, Booker, Klobuchar and Harris combined, and while Warren's pharma funding is greater than the rest of that trailing group combined, cut slack where biotech is big in the land of Harvard, MIT, Brandeis, and other outstanding research univeersities - with legit spinoffs.

But Gillibrand? Upstate New York? No slack due there. It's not a purchase it's a rental. Await and anticipate 2019 composite numbers if you expect proof otherwise than payment of an annual fee.

My favorites, Heitkamp in North Dakota and Hatch in Utah. Big humming pharma industry there, each state, huh? Despicable people. Or can you argue otherwise?