
Saturday, March 16, 2019

France these days. Something the US press largely ignores.

Yellow Vest Angst has not evaporated.

A video of disorder, and showing people with cell phones can hold them up and stream. The video is a kind of stream of consciousness. Not Bloomsday.

AJ coverage is vague. There is unrest, and it is unclear if Macron knows good steps or wants to take them.

More. Again.

Frexit? Unlikely.

U.S. mainstream media have posted coverage; NYT, CNN, WaPo, Wapo again, and LATimes. The reporting fails to capture the bystander street presence after much window smashing which the long video displays.

CNN and RT are two outlets reporting antisemitism as a dimension of or belief factor among yellow vest protesters. The RT item does distinguish anti-Zionism from antisemitism, which deserves note because the sentiments may overlap but are nonetheless distinct, as is dislike for some politics and behaviors of the Israeli state. Such remote coverage may be trustworthy, or editorially biased. At a distance it is hard to know what is happening beyond the French Police appearing more disciplined and less bloodthirsty than the U.S. putdown of the Occupy Movement months ago. The brutality and universal press propaganda here about that popular expression of dissatisfaction with wealth running the nation badly was beyond anything shown in the extended film of the French streets.