
Thursday, March 07, 2019

For what arguably was a step to bail out Pelosi for acting too hastily to jump to a judgment, the House, whose members are paid good money from peoples' taxes, passed a resolution.

Text online here. Strangely, hatred against Christians went unmentioned despite European history replete with death and mayhem between camps generally characterized as Protestant on the one hand, and Roman Catholic on the other. War of the Roses being evidence, needing a Glorious Revolution to finally recede. Hatred against atheists went unhighlighted; ditto for Rastafarians and their sacramental practices. No condemnation was leveled against those who by word or deed cause disrespect for, ridicule of, and hatred toward "shithole countries."

Why are we paying these people? This entire bit of diversion from taxing and spending which is what government exists to do, to provide public goods and to regulate commerce, is stupidity transcendent.

The First Amendment speaks for itself, or have they forgotten that? As if its durability since the Constitution was authored is in some manner inadequate. Sexism and homophobia fell through the cracks, or seems a second class consideration not deserving express mention.

We have a president condemning "witch-hunting" without Wicca mentioned as being targeted by hateful people over much of our nation's history, Salem, MA, being paradigmatic, yet such a burning question is absent in the esteemed resolution.

Don't they have real work to be doing?

UPDATE: Real work. Regulating commerce.

FURTHER: For the 99.8 Act; regulating commerce. Getting bill text readied for the post-election years following the 2020 election. For the time to progress.