
Sunday, March 03, 2019

Cohen testified, "Con-man."

Image published by Strib. Cohen nailed it.

Yet upon reflection - Not the worse President in my lifetime. An actor killed Lincoln, while another actor killed America. In my lifetime, including Vietnam and Iraq, the Gipper and the Grifter stand out. With the Gipper worse. An easy call. Even over father-son disaster. Even over Bubba or Nixon.

UPDATE: Salon.


Finding a point of disagreement with Bernie has been hard, but now I have one. In an AP feed item carried by U.S. News, Strib, and even in Moose Jaw, SK, item author Juana Summers, wrote:

The Democrats in the 2020 race have taken varied approaches to Trump, with some avoiding saying his name entirely, while others make implicit critiques of his presidency. Sanders has never shied from jabbing Trump in stark terms, and during his speech at Brooklyn College, he called Trump "the most dangerous president in modern American history" and said the president wants to "divide us up."

Yes, read the item, and the image of the dense outdoor crowd is from the U.S. News post; but the point of that one paragraph being the focus for this post is that Trump is absolutely no worse than Reagan. The major difference is Reagan kept the earpiece in his ear while Trump freelances; but each is as despicable as the other; while in office. Bernie may conveniently call Trump "the most dangerous" but Reagan was worse for America's decency. And divisive? Trump is an amateur by comparison.

Add con-man to the Trump picture, and still, phony is as phony does/did. Another difference is Trump getting less a free pass from the fawning media mavens than the free pass the Gipper as Trump's role-model-predecessor enjoyed. Wrongly enjoyed, while now ownership of media outlets is even more concentrated. And Pence. He is the one, so far, who's inherited the Reagan teflon coating. May that current situation soon change for the better.

Of course opinions can differ. Details also can. Take down that wall; build that wall; not nuanced things, only using walls as props. Propping up a script.