
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beto "couldn't beat a creep like Ted Cruz" O'Rourke, despite the Cruz bit, now is ambitiously seeking a higher office than the one Cruz drubbed him on; and even Trump handled Cruz handily.

Worth a big "Yawn?"

Beto for America, the website.

We’re all in this together.

The challenges we face are the greatest in living memory. We can only meet them if we build a movement that includes all of us.

Be one of the first to join our grassroots campaign:

Email Address*
Phone (optional)
Zip Code*

Yes, get on the mailing list to be pestered to give money, early and often.

Beto, don't go away mad, . . . Bernie and Liz are already sucking out all your air because you waited and they're better, so, again, don't be mad . . .

That site's URL is:
There is a second website, (most people being satisfied with one):
Probably the guy's on Facebook and Twitter. At a guess.

That second website's lead content:

This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Beto is running for President in 2020!

We want to express our deep gratitude to all of you. When we launched this draft campaign in November, we had no idea what to expect. We quickly realized the support and enthusiasm for Beto extended to every corner of our country as thousands of people signed up to volunteer from all fifty states within a matter of days.

Now the real work begins. Beto is an announced candidate for President and we need to do everything we can to make sure he wins.

Sign up here to join his official campaign!

I, personally, have not been waiting for it. Ever since Vietnam days, "draft this, draft that, draft him" has not resonated with me, and Beto does not either.

Good luck, sir, I'm with Bernie, Liz is the fallback, and take courage in being better for the job than Biden.

End of post.

Not ending the post there because this Snopes item was found by online search, which to me says much, much more about Ted Cruz supporters and their penchants for "cheap drama" than it says against O'Rourke.  When you back the likes of a Ted Cruz, resorting to mudslinging seems a necessity rather than running on candidate charm of your own favorite.

The one takeaway here, from that Snopes thing, there is an appearance of "poor little rich boy" in the Beto background which reminds one of the Jarad Kushner flavor, (but nobody's insinuated anything about strings pulled to get Beto into an elite Boston college).

The bit about having a broker buying into a promising IPO on one's behalf; that likely is outside of the experience of most Crabgrass readers. And then the family's multimillion dollar shopping center, partially gifted to Beto into seven figures of value by the parents - that carries a suggestion of privilege again well beyond the national average. Bernie and Liz came up through the ranks, based wholly on merit, one being a professor at the elite Boston college where Kushener string pulling has been implied among online sources; the other being, well, Bernie. Bernie who had the judgment and character to take on the Clintonian machine and what it had done to the Democratic Party (which does represent the sole choice against the Republicans). Bless Bernie forever for that most helpful of actions.

End of post. Really. This time.