
Monday, March 18, 2019

A business relationship which says much about each side to the contract: Strib carrying an AP feed, "Fox News hires Donna Brazile as political contributor."

Strib link, beginning:

NEW YORK — Former Democratic National Committee chief Donna Brazile, who was fired by CNN for tipping off the Hillary Clinton campaign about debate topics in 2016, has joined Fox News Channel as a political commentator.

Brazile said Monday she knows fellow liberals will criticize her for joining Fox, but that it's important for people not to retreat to "safe spaces" where they just talk to people who agree with them.

"There's an audience on Fox News that doesn't hear enough from Democrats," Brazile said in a statement.

Her conduct at CNN was revealed as part of emails exposed by Wikileaks. She had contacted the Clinton campaign about topics that would be covered in a March 2016 town hall when the competition was Bernie Sanders.

Brazile initially denied the accusation, but admitted to it after the election. She wrote in March 2017 that sending emails to the Clinton campaign was "a mistake I will forever regret."

Neither then nor after, has Secretary Clinton expressed any comparable remorse over taking unfair advantage over her better, Senator Sanders. It was a low point, but indicative of how Senator Sanders was marginalized; DNC chief Wasserman-Schultz having been complicit in things. Yet Bernie's policies are what's grown legs, while the two DNC co-conspirators and the candidate who lost an election to Trump are fading away. (Joining FOX being fading away, no matter what the salary.)