
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge gives Ilhan Omar a well earned "BRAVO."

Read it. Embedded video.

Item title, "Watch Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams Lose His Cool During Tense Exchange With Rep. Ilhan Omar."

Four and a half minutes, hardly time for popcorn. The woman has the will and chutzpah to confront. Emile Zola would like her. Yes, Elliot Abrams, pardoned by George W.H. Bush. And this destabilizer-provacateur gets recycled by the Trumpsters. They have no shame. War Hawk retreads are a shame to this nation and the people.

ABRAMS - a twit in a snit. False outrage over being called out for the thug he was and the thug he seems headed toward being again.

Durden links here, and quotes from the item.