
Wednesday, February 06, 2019

KLOBUCHAR: Seemingly as bright as Ms. Clinton, without that truckload of baggage, so given Ms. Clinton was wrongly taken seriously, why not Amy?

Having a scheduled EVENT in the middle of nasty winter to say, "No, not gonna," makes no sense. So she's doing it.

If not running for VP, why? If serious, why?

Not having the baggage of Booker, no Wall Street darling, and not seeming as abrupt as Harris, while not being Biden where Anita Hill will not be puking over Klobuchar; it's a factoid for the future. Not Gillibrand in shiving Franken, but letting Al twist in the wind, that's part of the resume.

Bernie and Lizzie inspire. Klobuchar had a dad who wrote sports columns. Klobuchar's Senate seat is secured, but taking a bender on moving higher?????

Let's say, not my first or second choice, and Steve Bullock cuts a better figure over net neutrality. Just saying.

Not anybody's Wellstone either, not by any measure imaginable. Not one you'd contribute a multiple of twenty-seven bucks to, that also is a certainty.

Besides inner party, who's going to trudge to the dear Senator's announcement thingy? Big crowd? A spillover onto the neighborhood, stopping traffic, tens of thousands? Is that likely?

Cargill. Let them send a bunch of employees to stand around and lisrten, Sunday. After church? Brazilian soybeans. Wanna bet, Sunday Amy touches upon trade warrior stuff, w/o mention of Cargill?

_____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
It would be remiss to not link back in time a few weeks to a Steve Timmer post on KLOBUCHAR. Unfavorable, so check it and see if it resonates rightly or wrongly with your view. Timmer links to this Hill item touting KLOBUCHAR. To me Timmer's item is well reasoned.

Again, the OpenSecrets data on Klobuchar; how tens of million got raised with a four million dollar balance, end of 2018, likely has a background story. A quick look at numbers suggests less a passion to rein in Wall Street than Elizabeth Warren. Lawyers being lead contributors suggests a corporate-orientation; these are not the plaintiff's tort trial bar people, they are establishment firms; so go figure.

EMILY'S LIST money is interesting; the acronym being Early Money is Like Yeast, and yet heavy ongoing spending on Klobuchar plus trainloads of spending on the Clinton fiasco last cycle; it being mature career support above "early." Note also, List spending against Laura Moser in Texas last cycle all suggesting middle of the road orientation; however, that PAC has contributed to Warren. Emily's List seems a gender-biased operation, openly so, with less criticism raised by that than the "Bernie bros" crap that circulated last cycle. Warren and Bernie are both favored here. No gender bias. Only respect for those with respect for people and needs. At any rate, Amy sees herself as presidential. She may survive early winnowing of the expected landslide legions of those suggesting themselves as better for the nation than Trump. (Pence may feel that way of himself, but has not publicly said so. Romney has said his view of his own superiority. But I digress.)

____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Establishment beltway pundits know best. Inclusive of getting the word out to Joplin, MO, via a carry by the Joplin Globe.

With George Will liking a Klobuchar candidacy, it makes you feel warm inside, warm all over, knowing where there is a Will there's a way. Will has been less kind to Elizabeth Warren; or per the other gender, Bernie. Will's thoughts should weigh in any informed voter's assessment of Klobuchar. They weigh here, cumulatively, with Timmer's weighing far more and in a direction favored here. Pop the popcorn, 2020 is starting early. And for fair disclosure, in Minnesota elections the vote here was for Klobucher when compared to the Republican offerings. Would one say Republican-heavy is the opposite of Republican-lite? Which brings to mind Tina, but again, I digress. Make it official and on the record: Amy Klobuchar is more presidential than Kurt Daudt. How could I be kinder?