
Thursday, February 07, 2019

Is Doug Wardlow still alive?

His Wikipedia page stops at AG candidacy; not even saying he lost. That was news, with updating appropriate. Yet after the votes were counted and Ellison sworn in; where's Wardlow?

Is he back to litigating for bigotry he termed "free speech?" And for freedom of action, no cakes for gay people, etc.

At least he never advocated separate entrances and water fountains for gay people.

But where is he? Doing what?

He had his one term in the legislature before the district grew tired and moved on.

He ran for Attorney General, speaking of which, is the Monahan family doing any new video items?

However, back to Wardlow, between the legislative ouster and the AG attempt; quiescent.

After the AG attempt, quiescent. Thinking of seventeen year locusts, we should be so lucky.

UPDATE: Quick web research shows two sites live on, frozen in time, pro and con.

FURTHER: Mitch Berg lost interest Nov 2, 2018. Kiffmeyer soldiers on. Perhaps Wardlow has a book contract. In a sense Wardlow is next door to Iowa, like others. A possible title for a Wardlow vanity book, "Police Endorsed."

FURTHER: While arguably not a sound use of time, about a half hour of web searching yielded only AG contest related articles and sites; with zippo found about currenrt residence, if any, for Wardlow in Minnesota, and current law practice listings, if any, for Wardlow in Minnesota. There are low profiles, and then profiles lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut; Wardlow seeming to have fallen into the very low current profile category.

Back to Dobson land, outside of Minnesota? Perhaps.

There is a vague concern. Call it a morbid curiosity. HOWEVER, 1.1 million people, deluded in all likelihood, voted in November for Wardlow and now can any one of them even locate the man?

Perhaps Andrew Parker knows, but I do not know Andrew Parker to inquire, nor do I wish to.

Yet there remains a "Where's Waldo" curiosity.

FURTHER: One final search = Douglas Gary Wardlow
Returns, here, here and here. Closing out the post. This gives a Prior Lake, MN, address; but is pre-election. Presumably he is still practicing law at that address.