
Sunday, February 03, 2019

Incrementalism, gradualism, and the ACA - as in why diddle? It as presently implemented is welfare for insurers, and there IS a better way.

GRADUALISM: It is more than a tranquilizing drug, it is a hammer that opponents keep hammering away with as you and peers age and die. Healthcare, free at the point of service is a concrete policy aim for implementing the vague goal of "healthcare as a right." Make it cradle to grave, indeed, prenatal to grave.

People do not ask how do you pay for policing and fire protection, you do. It is a required public good, and it is government's role to provide it. The house is less likely to burn down, you are less likely to be mugged with fire fighting and policing provided but the drug companies can kill you by overpricing drugs? That surely makes sense. You cannot enjoy freedom from a burned down house, from a safe street, if you've croaked because of the indecency of current medical and dental ways and means. Cubans have a better system than we do; while we spend twice as much per capita as Canada, France or Norway. There is no sense to it, beyond those working the levers of power being indecent, which is more explanation than sense.