
Friday, January 04, 2019

The nutshell reason of why I would never vote for Joe Biden even if the other choice were Mike Pence or four more years of TRUMP. [UPDATED]

Not that I am strongly drawn to Kamala Harris. I am not. But this idiot thinks it is a social club to make choices, as with Ms. Clinton, and that's pure bullshit.

Just as it was not "Hillary's turn," this time is NOT "Joe's turn." While favoring Warren and Bernie, and Steve Bullock, any Dem, other than Old Joe, would likely be acceptable, short of "Hillary's second turn."

IDIOTS! Brazen idiorts. Why has that woman been reelected? Her disdain for the electorate comes through loud and clear. The caucus and primary system exist for a reason, and there's zero "super" about Biden or Feinstein, though each because of obscene biasing of things, will be a "superdelegate."


Even Beto, to show how far I'd compromise.

LAST: Click the image. You have to read the fine print.

UPDATE: Gillibrand is off limits too, after the shiv job she did to Franken.

FURTHER: Harris was too quick to join Gillibrand, but otherwise is better than others. Booker is close to the line, but not in the cellar with Joe and Ms. KG.

And Amy K? That's meant as a joke, isn't it?

___________FURTHER UPDATE____________
A YouTube brief segment from 2010 explaining the 2020 Biden candidacy. As it explained 2016 well in advance of 2016. Too few paid heed.