
Thursday, January 17, 2019

The dumb border wall smokescreen is not about issues that are real. Percolation in the sidebar says so.

Gee. The sidebar does change from time to time. Minnesota is blessed with a new outstanding Attorney General who understands grassroots organization and would have also had a strong influence on a national level, until torpedoed. He has worked relentlessly and we who appreciate that should extol it.

If stupidity of the border wall kabuki theater has not already dawned on you, Breitbart with other intent brings the message home - stupid is as stupid inspires. Meanness fences mixed with a home's wrought iron lock-free gate where the fence is to assure the dog let out into the yard does not poop on the sidewalk. Genius in being silly at Brietbart underscores the diversion as what it is. Real issues exist needing leadership, and a border wall surely is not one of them. Yet Pelosi wants it to be so seriously "debated" that other things are swept into forgetfulness. Ocasio Cortez helps keeping eyes on the prize. One among several doing so. Times are in flux, and you can see that through the smoke.