
Monday, January 14, 2019

Minnesota Senate District 11 special election has drawn commentary online, and there is a Ballotpedia page.

COMMENTARY: and have each posted notice.

Ballotpedia. There are blurbs by Lee and Lourey. Lee gets to specifics, Lourey puffs. Specifics are favored here. Especially with what Lee promises being congruent with policy thinking at Crabgrass.

After Leah Phifer dropped out of the CD8 contest last year Michelle Lee was the candidate remaining that appeared most promising to me but was second in the DFL primary, Radinovich winning that but losing the general to Stauber.

Lee has an ActBlue contributions page, but trying to find a snail mail address proved unsuccessful. If one is found this post will be updated. Should Lourey win the special election primary, clearly, he'd be the choice here for the final contest for the seat which in a best world would remain DFL, regardless of which person advances per the primary.

Not living there but free to endorse, the above sums up thinking here. May the best Democrat win

Lee's policy positions per the Ballotpedia entry are consonant with the policy statements she posted while running for the CD8 seat. Consistency in politics in our times being a virtue, with her ISSUES PAGE available; stating in part:

We have led the nation with MinnesotaCare, I support its expansion to provide affordable, quality care for every Minnesotan. I remain hopeful we will one day have a single payer healthcare system (Medicare for All) providing affordable healthcare to all-- while protecting our rural health care providers. Rather than wait for the federal government to act, we must act now. We must seize this opportunity to lead the nation by providing all Minnesotans with quality affordable healthcare coverage.

[...] I believe “right to work” is wrong for Minnesota. [...] I support unions and I support a living wage. [...] I support free tuition to our trade schools and community colleges. I support farm to table agriculture and the expansion of grants to provide locally grown food in our schools.

On broadband her position appears to implicitly argue for net neutrality without getting into the detail such a statement might require. She is explicit:

We must set aside dollars to expand broadband and high-speed internet to our rural areas and hometowns. I propose working with the federal government to fund a Rural Broadband Act, reminiscent of the Rural Electric Act of the 1930s that brought lights to every farm and home here in the 11th District. Access to 21st-century technology will spur a boom---that will bring our young people home to build businesses and create job opportunities for others.

Because broadband managed as with cable TV; packages, extras and all; is antithetical to "21st-century technology" capable of spurring a boom, the inference drawn here is that candidate Lee would like to see Minnesota's new Governor follow the lead that Montana Governor Bullock established, (followed for example by Cuomo in New York), that by executive order any service provider to the State, to qualify for being a provider, must embrace and provide statewide net neutrality service.

Perhaps readers in that special election district should ask all candidates where they stand on net neutrality. It could be an eye opener, between DFL and GOP, given that the Trump appointed head of the FCC, a former industry lawyer, killed net neutrality as federal law; Trump being head of the one party.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Snail mail address to contribute to the Lee campaign:

Michelle Lee for State Senate
4310 Old County Road 8
Moose Lake, MN 55767

FURTHER - Minnesota Campaign Law/Regs require donor identification of occupation/job, in my case "retired." Not using ActBlue, but guessing, their contribution system includes such disclosure in completion of a donor form. I put "retired" on the memo line next to the signature line of the check. Snail mail contributors should remember to "memo" their info.

___________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Lourey has a campaign website and facebook page. Issues? Do your web research on his stances on questions of policy. There might be policy statement paragraphs I overlooked. There is an online report stating without fleshing out:

Lourey said he would focus on health care, education, and building strong communities if elected.

"Foucs on health care" seems to beg the question. UnitedHealth can be said to "focus" on health care, but not in any way I might credit.

Ditto, AFSCME, "AFSCME members talked to the candidates before endorsing Lourey, who earned our support with his clear commitment to fighting for things like quality public schools in every community, accessible and affordable health care, fair and safe workplaces and economic security for working families and retirees."

Single payer, if discussed pre-endorsement, is not mentioned. AFSCME people know details matter, so it's hard to figure the endorsement as more than "Trust us." AFSCME comes across as more mainstream vanilla than progressive in this situation. As if owing the family over past public union support.

As noted previously by quoting, Lee commits to an ultimate objective of Medicare for All with an intervening look at improving MinnesotaCare. Strib wrote today of pubic option aims of some in the DFL to improve MinnesotaCare; thereby being specific. Specificity matters.

Running on the family name? If it wins at the primary level, okay, close ranks and keep the seat DFL. But an expectation of goals and aims being stated beyond platitudes, when unmet, is vexing. Like a porcupine rolled up into a ball, and then simply waiting out a situation. The suggestion of quiet and "safe" follower, vs willingly vocal and strongly committed leader, is a worry.