
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

julian castro and tulsi gabbard announce early as presidential contenders.

WaPo on Gabbard, on Castro. Getting out ahead of a Biden announcement makes sense. Biden and the machine. Tulsi backed Bernie, back then, along with Kieth Ellison, back then. Tulsi has been critical of Middle East regime-change war, after having served there. She is getting sniping for having that position. Don't expect bank money to back her. Related WaPo coverage.

Biden critiqued. In a crowded primary will name recognition be enough? Against a clock in "debate" sessions? Against Trump? Would fresh progresivism be a better offer; Warren, Bernie, any of several? Will the machine redo 2016 or has the machine some upward sloping learning curve?

Will Tulsi gain traction? Against Warren, would she compare well?